H O M E S l o v a k e - m a i l


p h o t o s
v i d e o
Info about GBAS

Geography and location
Sucany's Aims
The Situation Today
Curriculum Structure
School citizens
Contact us
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Various activities
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Sucany's aims

In order to build upon its reputation for excellence, the school will:

  • Continue to offer bilingual education to all its pupils, with state examinations in English and Slovak.

  • Attract some of the brightest pupils throughout Slovakia to study in an environment that promotes learning.

  • Provide students with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, enabling individuals, groups and teams to real rise their goals and ambitions to the best of their ability.

  • Offer the potential for foreign travel and study.

  • Instil and encourage community values, an awareness of environmental issues and social responsibility.

  • Provide highly qualified and motivated students with the opportunity and guidance for university study.

  • Equip students with the skills and knowledge for a place in industry, commerce or vocational service.

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