Name: |
Juro |
Surname: |
Horváth |
Nickname: |
- |
Date of birth: |
01. 10. 1980 |
Telephone number
1: |
Telephone number
2: |
- |
Fax number: |
- |
Celluar phone: |
- |
E-mail: |
- |
Street name: |
- |
City: |
- |
ZIP code: |
- |
colour(s): |
Yellow |
Briefly describe
your character: |
Stále pochybujem a hľadám. Myslím často a rád,
hoci neviem, či mi to niečo prináša. |
intensions: |
Učiteľ - NOS, Angličtina. Zmeniť systém výučby
v SR. |
What do you do
during your free time? |
Šport, knižky, spánok, rozhovory s priateľmi. |
Have you been
influenced by the school, in what way? What would you
change/improve? |
Oh, certainly. I would say I got a very long
distancce on my way towards ballance and maturity. Through meeting
various people I have become rather tolerant. |