Basic characteristicsThe photo club is a student activity, in which some students of the GBAS, who live in the boarding house in Martin, are involved. Officially it is run by the boarding house authorities, but practically all the activities are organized by students who take part in them. The boarding house supplies the room where the photo club`s dark chamber is placed. Members of the photo club can work in the chamber individually as well as in organized manner. Activities of the photo clubMajority of the club activities is done on individual basis. This means that the members of the club work in the dark room individually and independently from the official club meetings. The other part of the club activities are organized organized activities, for which usual meeting time is Thursday, 8 p.m. at the boarding house reception. However, the meeting time is flexible and it can be changed according to the needs of the members who take part in the activities. the organized work was done mostly in the 1997/1998 school year, then it was interrupted for a few months because the members of the club preferred individual work and finally the organized work was renewed in February 1999. The term "organized work " comprises mostly exchange of experience from the individual work, some organized group experimental work in the dark chamber and any other activities which are suggested by the members. Who are the members of the photo clubThe photo club organizes students of G BAS who are interested in photography and who live in the boarding house in Martin. Most of the members who start working in the club have just some basic experience with photography and usually they have no experience with working in dark room, i. e. the actual production of pictures. Besides the beginner members the photo club has also members who have already been working with photography for a few years. These members usually do the individual work, however, they often join the organized activities as well. Who can join the photo clubAnyone who is interested can join us. It is not a necessary condition that you live in the boarding house. It is enough if you come to a meeting for organized activities (usually Thursday, 8 p.m.) or if you contact any of the members of the photo club. Some samples of our worksSome of the members of the club have been working with photography for quite a long time and therefore they have quite large archives of their own works. therefore we have decided to present some samples of our works here. However, we are limited by space and so we can introduce only few works from each of us. If you are interested and you want to see some more of them, please contact either the photo club or the individual authors. You can also write us an e-mail. |
Some other good
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